Education and Advocacy

We are committed to inspiring the next generation and effecting change to make a better world for all animals.

Changing attitudes.
Inspiring Change.

RSPCA Northamptonshire Branch works closely with local education providers to inspire the next generation of animal lovers.

Despite being an independent local charity we benefit from strong links with the national RSPCA’s Education team meaning we can provide informative and engaging sessions for children and young people of any age.

If you would like to arrange a talk or session for your class, school or group, please get in touch.

Working Collaboratively

Animal welfare and the needs of both pets and owners is becoming increasingly complex and RSPCA Northamptonshire Branch is aware that it cannot solve the problems alone.
We are pleased to work closely with other local animal charities, the Police, Social Services, Probation, local Councils and other stakeholders to provide a collaborative approach to common issues.
Through RSPCA Northamptonshire Branch’s Animal Welfare Advocates forum local rescues, Council Officers, Social Housing providers and the Police were able to discuss the realities of the recently implemented XL Bulldog legislation and agree a unified response in order to support pet owners across Northamptonshire.

Working with local leaders.

RSPCA Northamptonshire Branch is proud to maintain working relationships with local leaders including Members of Parliament and Councillors to ensure that they are aware of the issues facing animals, and pet owners, across their area.
We are also keen that local representatives are aware of our work in order to be able to better support their residents.

If you are a local representatives that would like to find out more about what we do, please send an email (or letter) for the attention of our Chief Executive.